Message to Brandon Gill – 2025/02/26

I got another email from Representative Gill today.

Rep. Gill Wants Your Opinion
Does our $36.5 trillion dollar national debt concern you?

Well yeah, it concerns me. Of course I had to reply.

I just got an email from you ….

Rep. Gill Wants Your Opinion
Does our $36.5 trillion dollar national debt concern you?

It concerns me, yes. But clearly it doesn’t concern you. You just voted on a bill that would RAISE the debt by an estimated 4-7 TRILLION dollars.

Do you want to become a hero? Do you want to become a household name across all of America?

Then FIGHT. Stand up and declare that you are going to FIGHT this new royal family and their disastrous impacts to our country. While your at it, go ahead and submit articles of impeachment against Trump.

You will instantly become the most popular Republican in the country.

Folks. Keep the pressure on your elected representatives. Make sure they understand our country is on the verge of death, and THEY have the power to fix it.

So do we, if we even have elections in 2 years.

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