These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-06-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-06-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-05-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-04-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-03-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
These are the hourly temperature readings for 09-02-2023 in Dallas, Texas. Readings taken from API weather services, with coordinates chosen for Downtown Dallas.
GP 2020